Advertisement Rates

Advertisement rates (4-colour advts.) are as under: (Rates per Insertion)

1. Front Cover (4-Colour) Rs. 25,000
2. Second Cover (4-Colour) Rs. 18,000
3. Third Cover (4-Colour) Rs. 18,000
4. Last (Back) Cover (4-Colour) Rs. 20.000
5. 4 Colour advt. Inside pages Rs. 15,000

(Title Positions 1-4 are currently booked for the next several months)


Black & White Advertisements : (Rates per Insertion)

1. Full Page (B&W) Rs. 6,000
2. Half Page (B&W) Rs. 3,500
3. One third Page (B&W) Rs. 2,500
4. One fourth Page (B&W) Rs. 2,000

To advertise, contact us.

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