On April 14, 2022, MDIS Tashkent School of Fashion and Design hosted the International Fashion Forum 2022 dedicated to fashion, design and textile industry.
The International Conference organized in the framework of the event, brought together leading domestic and foreign industry experts, as well as representatives of science and business in order to transfer and exchange experience in the field of the textile industry, design and fashion.
Talented students of MDIS Tashkent School of Fashion and Design, novice designers representing other universities of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan and high end top brands and designers featured their spectacular collections in the Fashion Show, organized within the framework of the event.
In addition, participants of the event had a unique opportunity to take a tour to the Fashion Product and Promotion Faculty and Fashion Lab and to see the creative exhibition organized by the students of the School of Fashion and Design.
MDIS Tashkent extends its sincere gratitude to UZTEXTILE Association and German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) for patronizing the event.

The International Conference brought together leading domestic and foreign industry experts to exchange experience in the field of the textile industry, design and fashion.
Special thanks are due to the speakers of the Fashion Forum Round Table for remarkable presentations and discussions:
- Mr. Ilkhom Khaydarov, Chairman of the Board of “Uztextileprom” Association (Uzbekistan)
- Ms. Gina Burgard, Project Manager, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) (Germany)
- Mr. Laurent Aucouturier, Consultant, Gherzi Organization (Switzerland)
- Mr. Shavkat Zayniddinov, Leading Constructor-Designer, “IDEAL” brand (Uzbekistan)
- Ms. Shakhnoza Gulomova, Specialist of design development department, “Uztextileprom” Association, Founder of “Noooza” brand (Uzbekistan)
- Mr. Saidazim Fazilov, Lecturer, School of Fashion and Design, MDIS Tashkent, Creative director of GLAMOUR, PODIUM ITALIA | SAAZ STUDIO, LALI | MODA Magazine (Uzbekistan)
- Ms. Lola Saifi, Founder of “Human House” Cultural Center (Uzbekistan)
- Ms. Yokut Schmid, Advisor to the Minister of the Silk Industry of Uzbekistan /OZBEKIPAKSANOAT/Founder of WHYESSE fashion brand since 2005, Coordinator of the Accelerator project (Central Asia), ,Ethical Fashion Initiative, Poor Communities and Trade Programme, Division of Country Programmes, International Trade Centre (Uzbekistan)
- Ms. Aynura Djoldoshova, PhD in Technical Science, Associate Professor, Head of the “Artistic design of products” Department, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after Iskhaak Razzakov (Kyrgyzstan)
- Mr. Hedi Marcassoli, Managing Director for Central Asia, Sababa Security (Italy)
- Ms. Stefani Filinskaya, Student, Fashion Product and Promotion Faculty, School of Fashion and Design, MDIS Tashkent (Uzbekistan)