Category: Q&A Textiles

Questions and Answers (Q&A) related with textile and all the related industries.

Which are the top cotton producer and consumer countries?

Which are the top cotton producer and consumer countries? The Largest Cotton Producing Countries in the World in 2022 are: Country Producti [...]

What is the Due Diligence Law in the German Supply Chain all about?

  What is the "Due Diligence Law in the German Supply Chain" all about? Germany has enacted the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCDD [...]
What is ‘GOT’ in cotton processing?

What is ‘GOT’ in cotton processing?

What is 'GOT' in cotton processing? GOT is the short form of Ginning Out Turn or Ginning Outturn. GOT is quite often used in cotton production, [...]
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