Contact: Andrew Cumpston
Address: 8902 US HWY 64 Alt W, Robersonville, NC 27871
Telephone: +1 252 795 0285 Fax: +1 272 795 0190
Email:[email protected]
Website: http://artextiles.us
Our plant has a capacity to produce 26 million pounds (12,000 tonnes) of high quality yarn per annum, with a count range NE 6-30/1. Our yarn is made with state-of-the-art technology from leading textile machinery manufactures like Schlafhorst, Trutzschler, Electro-jet, and Pneumafil. The complete textile laboratory is from Uster Switzerland.
Our contamination-free yarn is made from US grown cotton lab-tested for staple length, micronaire, tenacity, trash content, and purity. Opening using Trutzschler machines and spinning using the Saurer ACO 8 ensure the highest quality final product possible.
Company size (# of employees): 30
Are you currently exporting? (If yes, where?) Europe,South America
Are you using any Free Trade Agreements or Preference Programs? Which one? CAFTA
Do you have design capabilities? Yes
Do you have warehousing capabilities? Yes
Additional Company Information:
Type of Business: Manufacturer
Spun cotton yarns
Wholly Made or Partially Made in U.S.A: Products Wholly Made in U.S.A.
Production Capacity Per Month: 1 million Pounds of yarn
Production Locations- NC
List any special washes or treatments available:
What certifications do you have?
Additional Product Information: 100 % Cotton yarn for Knitting and weaving from Counts 6/1 Ne to 30/1 Ne.