Nassaj Baya Co.
Abhar Berezent Production Co.
Name of Managing Director: Babak Daghighi Type of Products: Dyeing & Finishing Fabrics.
Head Office Address: # 76, 7th Floor, Fatemi Bldg.North Side Of
Fatemi Sq. Tehran – Iran
Head Office Tel: (+98 21) 88992932-4, 88953042
Fax: (+98 31) 88950856
Factory Address: Before Saein Ghaleh, After Hedaj, Abhar –
Zanjan Transit Rd. Abhar – Iran
Factory Tel: (+98 24) 35622117
Fax: (+98 24) 35622116
Website: www.abharbrezent.com
Email: [email protected]
Baft Dookht Co.
Name of Managing Director: Abdolmajid Nakhbaf
Type of Products: Kinds of Cotton and Synthetic Fabrics
Head Office Address: #1, No 7, After Ghanat Crossing, Shahid Kolah- dooz St, Shariati St.,. Tehran – Iran
Head Office Tel: (+98 21) 22781809 – 88809077
Factory Address: 3rd St. Jee Industrial Town, Airport Rd, Jee St. Esfa- han – Iran
Baft Brezent Zanjan Co.
Name of Managing Director: Mostafa Sobati
Type of Products: Filter Industrial Fabrics
Factory Address: 9th Rouzbeh, Tir St., No. 1 Industrial Town,
Zanjan 4533156891 Iran
Factory Tel: (+98 24) 32221535-7
Fax: (+98 24) 32221538
Email: [email protected]
Ghorveh Textile Industries Co.
Name of Managing Director: Hasan Nilfroosh Zadeh Type of Products: Weaving & Finishing Kinds of Fancy Fabrics.
Head Office Address: 3th Floor, #5, No. 9, 10th St. Ghaem Magham
FarahaniAve., Tehran- Iran
Head Office Tel: (+98 21) 88733283
Telefax: (+98 21) 88765843
Factory Address: Ghorveh Industrial Town, Km.6, Delbaran Rd.
Ghorveh – Iran
Tel: (+98 87) 35226871
Factory Telefax: (+98 87) 35232700
Email: [email protected]
Golchehr Kashan Textile Co.
Name of Managing Director: Ali Reza Ghorbanchian
Type of Products: Kinds of Cotton and Synthetic Fabrics
Head Office Address: #10, Block 2, Poor Pouneh Complex, No.1
Saadatabad Ave. Azadi Sq., Esfahan – Iran
Head Office Tel: (+98 31) 36681111 – 36681212-36691050
Fax: (+98 31) 36691020
Factory Address: 7th St. Mobarekeh 3way, Industrial Zone
Esfahan – Iran
Factory Tel: (+98 31) 52373116
Fax: (+98 31) 52374312
Website: www.golchehr.com
Email: [email protected]
Heydar Esfahan Weaving Co.
Name of Managing Director: Mohsen Sheydaee
Type of Products: Printing, Dyeing and Finishing of Fabrics
Head Office Address: #17, 6th Floor, Almas Building, North Tohid St
Esfahan 8173641996 Iran
Head Office Telefax: (+98 31) 36290001-2
Factory Address: Rahim Abad Industrial Zone, Km. 20 Ghaleshour
Road, After Rail Way Bridge, Esfahan -Shiraz Rd, Esfahan – Iran
Factory Tel: (+98 31) 38642390 – 38642004
Fax: 38642003
Email: [email protected]
Kian Kord Production Co.
Name of Managing Director: Hamid Hamidi Yeganeh
Type of Products: Tire Cord Fabrics
Head Ofice Address: 3th & 4th Floor, No. 83 Sepehr St. Shahrak
Gharb, Tehran 1468854184 Iran
Heade Office Tel: (+98 21) 88579452-7
Fax: (+98 21) 88579451
Factory Address: Km. 22 Arak Rd. Malayer6575183163 Iran
Factory Tel: (+98 81) 32362227-9
Fax: (+98 81) 32362232
Website: www.kianCord.com
Email: [email protected]
Nassaj Baya Co.
Name of Managing Director: Kamran Mojahed Yazdi Type of Products: Kinds of Curtain and Upholstery Fabrics.
Head Ofice Address: # 704, 7th Floor, Ayeneh Tower, No. 110 Vanak St. Tehran – Iran
Heade Office Tel: (+98 21) 88783344-5
Fax: (+98 21) 88783346
Factory Address: Km. 20 Karaj – Ghazvin Rd. Karaj – Iran
Factory Tel: (+98 26) 44383545
Fax: (+98 26) 44383545
Website: www.bayatextile.com
Email: [email protected]
Nassaji Meshkin Dasht Karaj Co.
Name of Managing Director: Ali Akbar Maddah
Type of Products: Kinds of Cotton and Synthetic Fabrics
Head Office Address: #35, 2th Floor, No 68, Saeed Bld, Abbas Mousavi
St., Somayyeh St., Tehran1581674339Iran
Head Office Tel: (+98 21) 88315023
Fax: (+98 21) 88315026
Factory Address: No 6, 2nd Ardalan Alley, Shahid Zare St. Meshkin
Dasht, Karaj 3177978681 Iran
Factory Tel: (+98 26) 36204086
Fax: (+98 26) 36213555
Email: [email protected]
Rubber Industries Investment & Development Co. (Tire Saba)
Name of Managing Director: Hossein Sanan
Type of Products: Synthetic Yarns and Fibers
Head Office Address :3th Floor, No. 320 , Next to Neirizi Alley, Paki¬
stan St.,Opp.Gas Station,Shahid Beheshti Ave., Tehran-Iran
Head Office Tel: (+98 21) 88754120-88754099-88754068
Fax: (+98 21) 88515919
Factory Address: Km. 15 Zanjan Rd To Tehran., Zanjan4516134941Iran
Factory Tel: (+98 24 ) 32462138-9
Fax: (+98 24 ) 32462300
Website: www.riidco.com
Email:info@ riidco.com
Semnan Weaving Co.
Name of Managing Director: Naser Andayesh
Type of Products: Types of Cotton and Synthetic Fabrics.
Heade Office Address: #17, East 3rd Floor, No 83, Khaghani Bldg. Next to Saderat Tower, Somayeh St., Tehran 1571838336 Iran
Head Office Tel: (+98 21) 88861330-2
Fax: (+98 21) 88841701
Factory Address: Darjazin Village, Km 10 Darjazin Rd.,
Semnan 3563186578 Iran
Factory Tel: (+98 23) 33683860-1, 33684242, 33683443
Fax: (+98 23) 33683435
Email: [email protected]
Shinbaft Textile Co.
Name of Managing Director: Kiomars Amini
Type of Products: Kinds of Cotton and Synthetic Fabrics.
Head Office Address: No 11, Namdar 5 Alley, Shahid Kavousi St.,. ,
Shahid Khorramroodi Blvd, Jandarmeri Town, Tehran1463716591 Iran
Head Office Tel: (+98 21) 44257398-44248594-44248596
Fax: (+98 21) 44223470
Factory Address: 3th St. Next to Seloo, No.1 Industrial Town, first of
sanandaj Rd., Sanandaj 66168-74891 Iran
Factory Tel: (+98 87) 33383289-90
Fax: (+98 87) 33383369
Website: www.shinbaft.com
Email: shinbaft [email protected]
Zarbaf Amin Textile Industries Co.
Name of Managing Director: Amin Moghaddam
Type of Products: Kinds of Cotton and Synthetic Fabrics & Dyeing and Finishing of Fabrics
Head Office Address: #3, No. 93, Between Razan &Azita St., Mirdamad
Ave., Tehran 1911914574 Iran
Head Office Tel: (+98 21) 22226410 -22222470
Fax: (+98 21) 22274236
Factory Address: 22nd St. Kaveh Industrial City,
Saveh3914348443 Iran
Factory Tel: (+98 86) 42345511-42345199
Fax: (+98 86) 42343700
Email: [email protected]