


Since 1963 we have been walking on the edge of sustainability, paying great attention to the environment, quality and people. Responsible innovation, which today for many is a goal to achieve, has been a conscious choice for us for more than fifty years. Our mission has always been only one: high quality 100% Made in Italy. We think of, design and produce creative and exclusive yarns that interlace tradition and innovation with sustainable ethics and give life to the fashion of the future. We chose to be on nature side: All our raw materials are traced and Certified. We adopted the most rigorous traceability procedures of the entire supply chain, adhering to the strictest ecological protocols as established by STANDARD 100 by OEKO TEX. Since 1963 Sesia Manifatture, established a value chain among partners sharing our same attention to the environment and the continous research for a less polluting production, for this reason, we adopted the chemical management 4sustainability protocol, implementing the structured method MRSL ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) measuring periodically and in full transparency the application level.
