espriTech Ltd. - NCM-Directory

espriTech Ltd.


espriTech passionately specializes in high-tech Automated Textile Folding Machinery for the global Home Textile industry. Using a range of mechatronic competencies our equipment can reliably fold to measure all kind of fitted or flat sheets as well as curtains and apparel. Folding automation allows faster and smoother production through-put at much lower cost per fold. With attractive folding patterns, espriTech also creates additional and more sustainable value at its Customers Point of Sales


• High-Precision «Fold to Measure»
• Point of Sales Folding Patterns (Inside Fold, Border Across, Border All Around)
• Optional Cardboard Inserter
• Set making (folding and combining various items to one package-set)
• Motifs Folding (display a tightly defined area on the face side)
• Folding Curtains with hard and soft eyelets
• Sew and Fold Integration

Flagship product

Black Diamond: With its 90° feeding table our flagship Black Diamond Multi-Purpose Folding Machine sets a standard for world-wide unique attractive «Border All Around» folding patterns!

espriTech Ltd.
Brunnenthalstrasse 16
CH-3306 Etzelkofen

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