Exporter of Hydrosulfite, Sodium Dithionite (Sodium Hydrosulphite) (HS Code : 20130219)
Product Note : Efficient reducing and bleaching agent for the textile and paper and various other industries. Hydrosulfite grades and hydrosulfite-based products (blankits) are white, crystalline powder containing more than 88 % Sodium dithionite. Sodium dithionite, Na2S2O4 , is the only industrially important salt of dithionous acid (H2S2O4), which has not been isolated. The importance of sodium dithionite lies in its powerfull reducing capacity, which allows, for example, vat dyes to be reduced at room temperature. It is also used as a bleaching agent, mainly in the textile and paper industries but also in the leather, food and kaolin clay industries.
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