Author: Texman

‘Indian textile sector should stick to its core competency’ : Robin Anson – MD, Textiles Intelligence – UK
“The Indian textile industry needs to stick to its core competence of producing textiles such as yarns and fabrics, in which the country has immense s [...]

‘2010 was ‘Year of Warp Knitting’ – Mr Shewale, A.T.E.
“2010 can rightly be called the ‘Year of warp knitting’ as demand for warp knitting machines continued to grow from the beginning of 2010 due to h [...]

‘Indian spandex usage growing at 15%’ – Mr Gupta, Indorama
The delegates at the second session on day-1 of the ‘International Conference on Manmade Fibre Textiles’ were enthralled by a scintillating presen [...]

‘VSF will come into its own in near future’ – Mr Sardana
Mr Ajay Sardana, Asst VP (Global Customers & Market Intelligence) at Grasim, is of the firm opinion that viscose staple fibre (VSF) will come [...]
Malaysian Textile & Apparel Market
Malaysia is a country on the move. The growth of Malaysia’s textiles and apparel industry accelerated in the early 1970s, when the country embarked on [...]

India looks to Malaysia as Gateway to expand Textile Industry in ASEAN
Targets USD100 million of Trade Exchanges at INTEXPO, an Exclusive Indian Textile Expo
Kuala Lumpur – India arranged ‘INTEXPO’, the first and exclusi [...]

International Conference on “Manmade Fibre Textiles” in Ahmedabad
Fibre2Fashion, SGCCI, SASCMA & Others Organise
International Conference on "Manmade Fibre Textiles" in Ahmedabad
‘International Conference on Ma [...]

International TradeMalaysia (Intrade) 2011
Kuala Lumpur : International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamad hopes International TradeMalaysia (Intrade) 2011 will record RM300 [...]
Technology Available for Multifilament Chito-san Yarn from Institute of Biopolymers & Che-mical Fibres, Poland
The Institute of Bioploymers and Chemical Fibres is in possession of the know- how and equipment to start the production of continuous chitosan fibres [...]
Pakistan : Senate body for exploring new international markets for textile exports
Islamabad : The Senate Standing Committee on Textiles has directed the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) to explore new international mar [...]