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The importance of international students to Australia’s university sector


The Go8 represents Australia’s eight leading research-intensive universities. The Go8 carries out 70 per cent of Australia’s university research and spends some $6.5 billion on research each year.

The eight universities which make up the Go8 graduate just over a quarter (26.4 per cent) of Australia’s total higher education students. (in a sector of 39 public universities). The Go8 produces more than 40 per cent of Australia’s engineering graduates.

Go8 universities have foremost responsibility for Australia’s advanced manufacturing research excellence as well as importantly developing the majority of Australia’s top-quality higher education talent – including the engineers, scientists, and other professionals – that the advanced manufacturing sector requires to grow.

These are disciplines as broad ranging as automation, data analytics, robotics, machine-learning, quantum computing, photonics and space engineering – amongst many others – which combine to contribute to Australia’s advanced manufacturing capabilities.

Group of Eight Chief Executive Vicki Thomson discusses the importance of international students to Australia’s university sector and the nation’s broader economy with Debate@Go8.

Debate@Go8 – International Students (Part 2) discusses options for the safe return of international students in a changed global environment.

Final Report of the Inquiry into Australia’s Skilled Migration Program by Joint Standing Committee on Migration, brought out in August 2021 is presented below:

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