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Thai Fashion

  • Womens wear – unique. feminine. and high quality to mainstream production quality.
  • Menswear – niche brands are in demand by local creative stylish peoples.
  • Traditional menswear – is not as exciting as it is more European influenced yet it is the lucrative for the traditional market.

Overall Analagy/Observation On Thai Fashion

  • Incredibly unique and the leader in south east fashion style.
  • Bangkokians are fortunate to have a burning fashion industry as the followers of fashion to the everyday person is so well groomed and well dressed.
  • I have noticed over the last 7 years the style explosion, every person makes a effort by dressing well and not necessarily in designer lables but wonderful locally produced mainstream product.

Trade Figures

Apparel and clothing accessories

Apparel and clothing accessories was accounted for 39.74% of overall exported textile products. The exports structures of apparel and clothing accessories are :

  1. Ready-made products 87.47%
  2. Brassieres, corsets and parts : 9.28%
  3. Panty hose, tights and stockings socks : 2.76%
  4. Gloves : 0.48%

Import Countries

Main imports countries for Apparel and Accessories are : USA (35.27%), Japan (9.43%), Germany (5.37%), UK (5.07) and Spain (4.87%).


The total value of exported apparel and clothing accessories products in 2010 was US$3,205.86 million with the growth rate of 8.27% compared to the exports value in 2009. in the first 8 months of 2011, thailand exported apparel and clothing accessories products to the world amounted to US$2,271.76 million with the growth rate of 8.70% compared to the exports value of the same period in 2010. the exports value of readymade products was increased by 9.22% as the result of the recovery of the global economic crisis this year.

Woven Fabrics and Yarn

Woven fabrics and yarn accounted for 33.54% of overall exported textile products. The exports structures of woven fabrics and yarn are :

  1. Woven fabrics : 57.61%
  2. Yarn & man-made filaments : 42.39%

Import Countries

Main imports countries for woven fabrics and yarn are Vietnam (7.94%), Japan (7.74%), China (7.50%), Bangladesh (6.89) and Turkey (5.28).


The total value of exported woven fabrics and yarn in 2010 was US$2,497.48 million with the growth rate of 31.03% compared to the exports value in 2009. in the first 8 months of 2011, Thailand exported woven fabrics and yarn to the world amounted to US$1,917.05 million with the growth rate of 23.05% compared to the exports value of the same period in 2010. The exports value of woven fabrics products was increased by 21.94% to US$1,104.35 million is the result of a rising importers’ confidence in quality of Thai textile and products from Thailand as well as manufacturing has been continually improved to meet more customers’ satisfactions.

FTA Benefits

  • It is such a beneficial advantage due to the duty only being 5% rather than the usual 10%.
  • The FTA is not a case of paying the 5% duty on customs clearance on goods made in Thailand.
  • To be able to secure the less duty the Thai manufacturer needs to have the appropriate and necessary documentation prior to export.

Thai sourcing

Thai culture is craft based. It is inherent in Thai culture. With that fine tradition combined with a 21st century approach and technology provides wonderful opportunities for business to source fabrics and finished production houses in Thailand.

Production houses not only in Thailand but worldwide need to consider and give younger companies the opportunities either via producing finished product or supplying fabrics.

We all understand minimums. However, the youth and niche brands can be potentially the production houses major account. Production houses and suppliers really need to consider their approach. 21st century design, designers and the public are on parallel – they know what they want and like, often manufacturers and suppliers don’t realise this because they are likely not market sensitive.

Traditionally manufacturers and suppliers bottom line is price and minimums. That can cause loss of long term opportunities and successful business partnerships should they not be open to the new brigade. Smart suppliers and producers who are open in their approach will continue to prosper via allowing opportunities to the smaller niche companies that can become a major market player whilst maintaing its integrity and conributing to the reputation of the supplier or production house.

Thai Etiquette and Business Etiquette

My personal understanding of Thai etiquette is as follows :

  • Thais are gentle and polite.
  • Care and trust. Trust is only given if there is a level of care.
  • Thai culture is unique in the sense that they are the most well mannered peoples on the planet.
  • Unlike western cultures masculine approach, Thai culture is soft and can be likened to a feminine energy.
  • It is advisable not to be demanding, abrupt or speak in a loud tone. It may work in western society to get what you want but in Asian and in particular Thai culture it will be to no avail.
  • It is advisable to approach Thai business relationships as a partnership. It is not about merely clinching a deal.
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