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Dr NN Mahapatra Honored With Asian Admirable Achievers Award 2022


Mumbai-based textile scientist and author honoured by Rifacimento International

Dr NN Mahapatra, Business Head (Dyes) at Shree Pushkar Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd, Mumbai, has been honored with Asian Admirable Achievers Award 2022 by Rifacimento International, New Delhi. Dr Mahapatra was given a Memento with Certificate of Excellence for his dedication and achievement in his profession.

Rifacimento International is a well-established name publishing reference books in the genre of Who’s Whos. We have been compiling and publishing biographies since 1982. Over the years we have evolved into publishers of a series of such highly selective and prestigious books. Rifacimento International brings you, through its publications, national and international recognition as a leader in your field and provides a valuable third party endorsement.


Dr. NN Mahapatra

Dr. NN Mahapatra is a B.Sc. (Tech.) in Textile Chemistry from UDCT, (now ICT), Mumbai. He also holds a M.Sc. and Doctorate in Applied Chemistry from Utkal University, Orissa. He did his M.B.A from I.M.M., Kolkata.

Dr. Mahapatra is having 38 years of experience working in Textile and Dyes manufacturing industries in India and abroad in various senior capacities.

In the year 2007 he was also awarded C Col FSDC (U.K.) and C Text FTI (Manchester). In 2018 he was awarded the Fellowship (FRSC) from Royal Society of Chemistry, UK.

He has written 10 books (Textile Dyes & Dyeing, Textile Technology, Textile Processing, Textiles & Environment, Textile Dyes, Sarees of India, Textile Dyeing, Modern Textile Processing, Textile Printing and Processing of Fibres in Textile Industries).

Presently, he is working as Business Head Dye, Shree Pushkar Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd, Mumbai.

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